
It feels like I'm traveling to an entirely new and different life. In an airplane filled with strangers, I remain quiet as I listen to subtle melodies on my iphone. Meanwhile, a load full of thoughts drain me from all energy. I find myself watching my life flash right in front of my eyes. Memories from this morning force a smile on my face and drench my eyes with tears. I noticed that I love my life and that I already miss it. I noticed that the airplane seats were occupied with stories. Airplanes are no different from bookshelves, I thought to myself. Though, I was only able to see book covers through the eyes and attires of the many elderly surrounding me, I felt really proud of my own story, a weird form of self-satisfaction I haven't previously experienced. I felt like a masterpiece, GOD's very best creation, not in a sense of superiority, but in a sense of tremendous gratitude. I am swamped with acceptance. The past 6 months were far from easy, and I feel like I can finally see the light. It feels like sunrise, fresh, true, comforting, warm, and very personal. Seems like everyone here is going back home, to where safety is, to where one feels self centered. At first, I thought I was heading home too, or at least I wanted to believe so, however, I found out that home is where I had just took off. It was in the arms of a loving mother no matter how ill, it was in the inches of land I set foot on every morning no matter how dry, it was in the time I spent living a life, making something out of myself no matter how exhausting, it was in the arms of an amazing soulmate, and in the memories amidst foolish childish behavior with friends no matter the fights. I am flying many miles above the ground, floating, though neither distance nor time mean anything now.


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